Elizabeth’s Recovery From 25 Years Of Migraine

Elizabeth tells her story of recovery from years of migraine in this discussion about her perspective on pain. You don’t need to experience persistent pain to understand it, but if you are unfortunate enough to live with pain for a number of years and recover from it, then your perspective of it certainly changes.

Elizabeth links the drivers for her pain with her perfectionist approach and although that brings much success, it can also be a driver for pain.

Pain can become another thing to beat, fight and overcome, but when those efforts fail, it can feel like a frustrating and unwinnable battle.

In the video Elizabeth outlines how she overcame her migraines, and how she uses the approaches she learned through that recovery, to maintain her health today.

You may recognise aspects of what she says and perhaps be able to relate them to your own circumstances. Take inspiration that even though the pains were present for many years, she was able to overcome them, and you can too.

What’s next?
Take Your First Step to Recovery.


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