Jennie’s Recovery From Low Back Pain

The Blog showing you that life without a pain is within your reach

Decades of Pain

Jennie tells her story and recollects decades of pain. The story has a happy ending with her description of how she learned to recognise the cues to her pain and the route of reversing it. It is liberating to hear and can inspire others on their own journey and recovery from pain.

Pain Patterns

The patterns of pain can sometimes be tricky to unpick but when you look back over a lifetime, that timeline can often mark out the periods of overload in life with the onset of pain or disease.

Jennie outlines that link in her life and the realisation that she could take control of both current and historic symptoms. Not always easy and she says herself that she still has work to do, but to be able to do anything about any experience give a sense of control when many see no opportunity at all.

Structural Change Is Not Required

People often believe there is a requirement to change the physical structure, and although physical movement and conditioning can be helpful. it is the shift in belief, perception, behaviours and habits that more change than many could ever imagine.

Watch this story and perhaps you could consider reimagining your own.

What’s next?
Take Your First Step to Recovery.


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