Explain The Meaning Of The Pain Body To Me.

The Meaning Of The Pain Body

Pain is a concept that many people attempt to describe. Behavioural, philosophical and neuroscientific theories about pain arise, but one spiritual viewpoint of note comes from teacher Eckhart Tolle - Author of The Power of Now and A New Earth.

It is a simple concept, but it takes a bit of understanding to see its simplicity. Those who follow Eckhart Tolle and his teachings best explain what are initially sometimes confusing ideas. Often, many readings take place before this simple idea sticks. 

Recently, I came across a frequent request for an explanation to outline the meaning of the pain body. The response below from Vivek Singh beautifully outlines the message Eckhart Tolles conveys.

See if this answer provides a spiritual solution to your understanding of pain, and after that, it may relieve you of some or all of it.

‘Explain The Meaning Of The Pain Body To Me’.

Answer from Vivek Singh

Ah, Dear Seeker

Ah, dear seeker, how wonderful that you have come to inquire about the "pain body", a term coined by Eckhart Tolle. Every spiritual teacher has recognised the same essence behind it in one form or another.

Imagine, for a moment, a reservoir within you that collects every pain, every sorrow, every traumatic experience you've ever encountered. This reservoir is not just of this lifetime but of many.

The pain body is this accumulation. It is an energetic entity of old emotional pain with a life of its own. It gets activated, especially when you find situations that resonate with the pain it contains.

It Feeds

It feeds on negativity, reactions, conflicts, and more pain.

Consider the pain body as an old wound on your hand. Each time you accidentally touch or bump it, it hurts. Think of everyday situations: You're stuck in traffic, someone honks at you aggressively, and instantly, you feel a surge of anger.

That's your pain body reacting, like touching that old wound. Or perhaps when a friend makes an innocent remark that reminds you of a past hurtful comment, and you suddenly feel defensive or upset. That's your pain body resonating with an old pain.

A Sad Movie

Think of when you watch a sad movie that brings you tears, not just because of the story on the screen but because it touches a deep-seated pain or sorrow within you. The film activates your pain body.

Yet, amidst these everyday instances, there's a silver lining. When you sit with a loved one, share a quiet moment, watch a sunset, or listen to a song that fills your heart with joy, the pain body is silent in those moments. It cannot thrive in the presence of genuine love and happiness.

So, my dear, become aware as you go about your day, making your tea or coffee, talking to a friend, driving to work, or even doing chores. Notice when that old wound gets touched, and instead of reacting, observe. As you would care for a physical injury, care for your painful body with love and awareness.

Over time, with this simple witnessing, you'll find that these daily triggers lose their sting, and you remain centred and at peace.

Witness The Pain Body

By witnessing the pain body without getting entangled in its stories, you deprive it of its energy. With love, awareness, and meditation, the pain body begins to lose its grip. This doesn't mean pain won't arise, but its hold on you weakens. 

Remember always, in the vast ocean of your being, the pain body is but a passing wave. You are not the wave but the ocean itself, boundless and serene. Dive deep into meditation, dance, sing, celebrate! The pain body finds no place to thrive in joy, love, and laughter.

Embrace every moment with awareness, for in that very awareness lies the key to transcendence. Let love be your guiding light, for it is in love that all pain dissolves, revealing the true essence of who you are: pure, infinite, and divine. 


What’s next?
Take Your First Step to Recovery.


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