The Pain Picnic

 Resistance Will Appear

When introducing new habits, resistance will appear, but keep it from knocking you off track. 

Stay calm and observe those conditioned reactions you've been missing for so long.

It’s ok for the pain to stay the same when you move towards observing it without reacting. 

It’s even ok if it flares, and here’s why.

A Day Out For A Picnic

Have you ever planned a day out and known it needs decent weather for it to work out?

And have you seen the forecast of a few showers but that once they pass, it’ll be sun all afternoon?

And with this information, you’ve been ok to carry on with your plans.

But if one of the kids came to you crying because it’s started raining, and that’s all they can see, and they think it’s never going to stop, what do you say?

Do you give up on the day based on their reaction?

Do You Give Up?

Do you give up on the day based on their reaction?

You certainly don’t start crying about the rain. Why? Because you can see further ahead than the child.

You may not be able to convince them, and all they’ll do is say that it’s spoiling their day, and sometimes you have just to let them sit with that whilst you get on with packing the picnic.

And How Does It Usually End Up?

The child smiles as they play in the park, stop for a picnic, and then go and play again.

The day goes great, and when you’re tucking them up in bed, it’s not the rain they remember but all the fun that came after it.

Sit with the pain and know that it may still be cloudy and raining after you’ve finished observing it.

But know that there are sunnier times ahead.

And that your job is to carry on with making the picnic.

P.S I’ve seen the forecast 😉


What’s next?
Take Your First Step to Recovery.


Help For The Helper


Conscious And Unconscious Pain