Understand The Power of Groups
Something Very Powerful
There’s something that happens when people join a group. Especially if it’s a group that is offering change.
So joining a group where change is possible is only worthwhile if you believe in the possibility of change.
For habits to change people must believe that it is possible.
Real change comes from new thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, actions and then making these things into new habits.
These Things Are Vital
When it comes to pain all these things are vital. Using a group offers an opportunity to find others that have made that change and finding those people that have helped others make that change,
Radical change can happen without a group setting.
It can happen in the individual with no one else supports. But this is rare. In some people, a personal tragedy or a life-threatening event in may bring about a fundamental change in them.
Profound Event
Something so profound to them that they decide at that moment to change their experience going forward for the rest of their lives.
Mostly change occurs more slowly when they embed themselves in a social group that made change easier.
The person makes a decision that they no longer want to accept the status quo.
It seems real when we can see it in other people. And hear their stories. If we can relate that to ourselves, it seems easier to say that if they did it then why can’t I?
Change is Possible
When people join groups where they believe change is possible, it increases the potential for that change to take place.
With regards to persistent pain, for most of the people, there isn’t an epiphany where the pain stops, but sometimes that is possible in some cases and there are certain techniques which have the potential to do that.
Communities Make Change Believable
Usually, the communities make change believable, and the people committed to the daily habitual changes and practices within that community facilitate recovery.
Because it’s an entirely subjective experience, recovery could take a moment, an hour, a day, a week, a month, or several years.
It is a journey. Recovery from persistent pain, no matter how long it lasts, is possible.
Coming Together
The power of a group comes from being able to teach individuals to believe. Regularly coming together to help one another makes belief easier in a community.
Find an alternative routine, dramatically increasing your chances of success when you join and commit to a group.
Belief is essential and develops in a group setting.
It develops from a communal experience, but even two people can be defined as a group.
Responsibility Still Remains
The individual is still responsible for doing what they must and taking whatever steps are necessary to help themselves.
When they do, people can recover and have done, from practically any problematic situation.
Alcoholics can stop drinking, smokers can stop smoking, losers can become champions, nail biters can stop biting, and people in persistent pain can become pain-free.
Pain is a habit.
Like most habits, one develops without the awareness of the person experiencing it until the consequences of that habit mean they want to stop what they’re experiencing.
Unfortunately, because habits are usually developed as a coping strategy for stress, people repeat their habitual behaviours and then suffer the same consequences, which creates more tension.
You Can Change
It can be a never-ending cycle, or it can be a cycle that can end.
You can change, and it is worth making that change.
It’s not just your life that changes; it’s the lives of the people around you.
That doesn’t mean you should make the change for them; always put yourself at the front of the cue for who you’re doing it for.
The fact that you may perpetually put the emotional needs of others in front of yourself could be one of the reasons that you are suffering from persistent pain.
Do it For Yourself
Please do it for yourself first.
If you can see the additional benefit of becoming a pain-free version of yourself, that is, being so much more able to help and be around other people, that’s a bonus.
The Pain Habit Recovery Group
The Pain Habit Recovery Group is free. You can observe the conversations, join in if you feel comfortable, use the resources posted, or take whatever steps you think are right.
The private Facebook Pain Habit Recovery Group helps you start Thinking, Breathing, Moving, and Feeling differently.
All are welcome. Patients, therapists, those who have recovered or are in pain, those helping others already, or those who want to learn more about how to help others.
We’re all students of each other and can all learn something from each other’s experiences and share our own.
Go and check out The Pain Habit Recovery Group. If you’re not ready for that, subscribe to the blog or YouTube channel to learn more about your pain and how to change it.
Go and create that new version of you.
Take a step towards your recovery today.
What’s next?
Take Your First Step to Recovery.
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Buy The Pain Habit book. But It Here.