Heather’s Recovery Story From Persistent Shoulder Pain And Wrist Complex Regional Pain Syndrome CRPS

The Blog showing you that life without a pain is within your reach

Heather describes a double whammy of persistent pain with it affecting her shoulder and her wrist.

She meets people along the way who inspire her to see that recovery can be possible.

In this case, it was her physiotherapist and she inspired her so much that Heather now coaches others on their recovery from pain. A great story of an amazing recovery.

Learning why we experience what we do, doesn’t mean that we are immune from it happening again. However when we know the circumstances creating that experience and accept that our behaviours may gave contributed to that experience, then we have the opportunity to change.

We can change our own experience of pain and if someone is open to receiving it, we can perhaps help them change their experience of pain too.

What’s next?
Take Your First Step to Recovery.


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