Welcome to Painbites — The Pain Habit Blog
Hi, I’m Drew Coverdale, a physiotherapist of over 20 years and author of The Pain Habit.
The Pain Habit ‘Painbites’ blog provides information in simple, bite-sized pieces about a complicated subject that makes it easily understandable for both patients and therapists.
Chronic or persistent pain affects around one in five people worldwide and many of those have been told — and believe — that nothing further can be done for their pain.
Painbites will bring clarity to what can appear as a confusing world full of facts, myths, and theories. It will offer insights into how you can change yourself to change your experience of pain.
What is The Pain Habit?
The Pain Habit offers a systematic way of teaching you to understand why you experience persistent pain and how to reverse it.
The philosophy is based on the most current neuroscience and behaviour change research and provides an amazing opportunity for those ready to take the next steps towards recovery.
Why is The Pain Habit Important?
With so many people blighted by pain and so many ineffective treatments destined to repeated failure, it is important to understand the true meaning of someone’s pain.
Only then can the correct treatment, pathway, and recovery can take place. Often the patient understanding why they have ended up in this situation is the key to taking the first step.
Many of our conventional Western medicine approaches are derived from the fact that the patient and medical practitioner treating them misunderstand the meaning of why the pain has become persistent.
Treatments have been focused on the site of the pain, the tissue in that area, and other tissue that can refer pain there.
Methods targeting that area to block the pain, are well-intentioned but often futile as a long-term answer. When they do fail and all options are exhausted, the patient is left with no other alternative other than to live with their pain.
The effects of that chronic pain can have a devastating effect on the rest of that person’s life. There are implications for their relationships, lifestyle, family, career, finance, and other aspects of their physical and mental health.
Persistent pain represents the person not being in control of themselves, and this impacts many other areas of their life.
Taking control of your pain has fundamental effects of taking back control over the rest of life. Regaining that control is life-changing and can be achieved through understanding and applying the information within The Pain Habit.
“Chronic pain or other challenges are invitations; gifts that challenge us to learn how to manage the mind.”
What Painbites Will Cover:
Information and facts: Learn the principles of The Pain Habit and see how new understanding from the neuroscience and behavioural science worlds are changing the approach to the treatment of persistent pain.
Learn how the myths from outdated medical models of treatment are being replaced with facts supporting these exciting developments offering a real change in persistent pain.
FAQs: Understand clearly the answers to questions that people have about their pain.
Why does it still hurt?
Why did the Dr say my pain is in my head?
Why is my pain affected by stress?
How can it hurt when I didn’t injure myself
If I’m damaged and have X-rays and MRIs to prove that, then that’s why the pain is there isn’t it?
… and many others.
Case studies: Read real case studies that outline the stories of why people develop persistent or chronic pain.
Recovery stories: See how they reversed the process by changing the habitual patterns behind their pain influencing the way they Think, Breathe, Move, and Feel.
Books, Articles, Research, and News: Hear about all the current evidence supporting this innovative approach to treating patients in persistent pain and stay updated on the growing body of knowledge in this field.
Treatment and Techniques: Generate a greater awareness of the steps to take to help yourself today and possibly what help, if you need it, you can get from others following these principles, protocols, and approaches.
Tips: Use easy to follow tips that change your experience of pain and build the healthy habit-forming behaviours that lead to a pain-free life.
You can make the change no matter what your starting point is.
You do not need to believe it is possible today. You do not need to believe in any particular process before you start.
It’s good to be skeptical.
You just need to believe in yourself and hold the tiniest sense of possibility that some change is possible in you.
Be open to that possibility and that is a big enough gap for new thought, a new belief, new behaviours, and a new outcome to take you towards a more comfortable life.
What’s next?
Take Your First Step to Recovery.
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